Saturday, April 19, 2014



What will it take to finally make naive Americans, young and old alike, realize they continue to fall for the same old shell game?  The endless “War on Poverty”, “War on Drugs”, and now the “War on Terror” are all used for little more than profit, control, and diversion… period!  Sure, many armed revolts were necessary to squelch the evil deeds of tyrants and their corporate financiers, but one only need to seriously look at history to understand the true motives behind “regime changes” and other so-called “conflicts” in resource-rich sovereign nations who fail to “comply” with the demands of the Rothchild’s henchmen.

The Puppet Masters continue to reign over the ever-so-obedient and gluttonous consumers, whom are easily pacified and equally plagued by the latest release of cheap and toxic petroleum-based toys and genetically-modified “food“; convinced this “technology” will improve their mundane lives and make them more respectable and glamorous to their fellow brainwashed plebes.  Meanwhile, the Principalities and Powers are sending other people’s children off to kill and/or die for “democracy” and in the name of their “GOD”!!!  Soldiers are routinely regimented and further “conditioned” by propaganda and patriotism in order to justify the horrific deeds they are about to impose upon their hapless and helpless victims, mostly children (a.k.a – collateral damage).  “It’s okay”, they are confidently assured, for these little “Hajji’s” will only grow up to be “Terrorists.”  So you see, by killing them now, you can prevent them from coming to OUR country and killing OUR children… you know, like they’ve done sooooo many times before… right?  WRONG!

On 9/11/2001, approximately 3,000 people, mostly “low-level” employees of corporate giants, were killed when THREE N.Y. City skyscrapers (extremely well-built steel structures – WTC Building #’s 1, 2, & 7) suddenly fell into their own footprints after being hit by TWO planes, allegedly flown by extremely amateur “pilots” who were not even certified to fly a small Cessna.  The buildings supposedly collapsed as a result of massive fires, in spite of recorded firefighter chatter stating the fires were merely 2-3 Alarm fires, “under control” and basically… manageable!  Never before in the history of construction has a heavily steel-framed structure collapsed into its own footprint as a result of fire.  The Empire State Building and the WTC had both previously experienced WORSE fires than on 9/11/2001, yet they didn’t fall.  The original architects and engineers of the WTC have gone on record confessing that the “Twin Towers” were DESIGNED to absorb MULTIPLE impacts of fully-loaded passenger airlines.

Since 9/11/2001, MILLIONS of people throughout the Middle-East have been maimed, mutilated, and murdered as well as the endless accounts of torture, rape, exposure to depleted uranium and white phosphorous, etc., etc.  What great toll this War on Terrorism has had on humanity.  The world’s economies have been siphoned off by the world banks and we are heading rapidly toward World War III.  So, for a mere 3,000 privileged lives allegedly killed by “Al-Qaeda” (created by the CIA from a database of Mujaheddin “Freedom Fighters” during the Carter and Reagan administrations to fight the Russians invading Afghanistan), we are going to, once again, end “civilization” as we know it… BRILLIANT!!!  And yet, nearly 750,000 people die EVERY year in America as a result of doctors and other medical “professionals” due to careless neglect, abuse of pharmaceuticals, improper diagnosis, etc… Why then, do we not start a “War On Doctors“???  Think of the lives we’d save, right?

Memo to all Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc.:

Stop fighting, killing, and dying for other countries and their corporate backers.  Would you like to see how a REAL American soldier or patriot defends his country???  Watch the video below to see how out of control tyrants in government were dealt with in the past, and this was just for messing with voter ballots. ;-)

The Battle of Athens: Restoring the Rule of Law:

The Case of the Missing Terrorists:

The Wars are for Turning Indigenous People into Carbon Copies

 Sheik Imran Hosein

more soon… maybe

Kevin Wright (TM) © and, Copyright 2012-present.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kevin Wright and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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