“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.”
(quote by Sinclair Lewis 1935)
In this post, I will lay out what I believe to be a major cover-up & a full-scale collaboration between the so-called Mainstream Media (MSM), their "elite" financiers/controllers, factions of the U.S. Federal government, the military & intelligence network, pseudo- "first-responders" & "security" personnel, and quite possibly one or more foreign States. Of course, whenever anyone with the ability to contemplate one or more rational thought starts to question the "official" narrative from The Powers That Be, he/she is quickly labeled as a "conspiracy theorist" and mocked repeatedly by the talking heads. It's become so commonplace amongst MSM & political pundits, that the mere mention of the words "conspiracy theorist" automatically gets an "eye roll" or "face palm" reaction, meant to embarrass, mock, & humiliate anyone who dares question the "official", & thus irrefutable, "facts" issued by the Fascist/Zionist oligarchy of the West.
For two weeks, I have been planning on posting my thoughts on this subject, but had other pressing issues to deal with (survival), so I am just now uploading my findings. Fortunately, my delay has resulted in my realization that many other people already captured & documented much of the same "discrepancies" between the MSM's take on the bombing, and that of people like myself, who seek the TRUTH (just search Google & YouTube). The photo and video evidence, the eyewitness testimony, links to supporting documents/websites, and more are provided here within to offer a very different perspective from the general public's force-fed & falsely perceived "reality". There is now substantial evidence to cause anyone with a little common sense to at least think about how ridiculous all of the MSM & government "coincidences" & "irony" are becoming. The "smoking guns" are really starting to stink up the globe, and people world-wide are slowly waking up from this nightmare & pulling the plug on the Matrix.
The first thing about the 2013 Boston Marathon "bombing" that struck me as suspicious was that this event took place on Patriots' Day, which just happened to coincide with April 15th, 2013 in Boston, Mass. (home of the infamous Boston Tea Party, a rebellion AGAINST taxation). Large crowds, MSM & amateur cameras from around the world, added to blind "patriotism" made for a great scenario to introduce more "shock and awe" pro-war propaganda. And of course, new laws, more restrictions on personal freedom, further loss of privacy, and endless other control mechanisms will need to be implemented as soon as possible for zee sake of zee Homeland Security. According to America's favorite free source of "facts" (Wikipedia), Patriots' Day began being celebrated in Massachusetts in 1969, "commemorating the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. These were the first battles of the American Revolutionary War". "Since 1969, the holiday has been observed on the third Monday in April, providing a three-day long weekend,
as well as being the first day of public school vacation week in Maine
and Massachusetts. Previously, it had been designated as April 19 (Waco/Ruby Ridge/Occult), the
actual anniversary of the battles." "It also marked the first bloodshed of the American Civil War." These tell-tale signatures and many more all point to what has recently become known as a "False Flag" event.
The Convenient "Hero"
Carlos Arredondo: I suspect that this man is likely an illegal alien or has some other damning evidence against him that makes him an easy target for manipulation. He may truly be a compassionate, caring human being, convinced that what he is doing is for "the greater good", like so many others who allow themselves to be deceived via calls for "patriotism" in a time of distress, terror, or war (in spite of its fraudulent purpose). He may also simply be motivated by enormous greed after being offered a staggering amount of money, citizenship, etc. Either way, I'm calling BS on this one (not Boston Strong). Fortunately, Carlos wasn't running the show, and neither were most of the other "actors" on the stage. Yes, ACTORS!
"Crisis Actors":
It has become commonplace for the MSM to use "green screens" for fake backgrounds that allow them to report "LIVE FROM...anywhere we need to be at the moment" to spew propaganda for the CIA/Mossad, the "Crown", the Pentagram, the WhiteHouse, or their Puppet-Masters. They can simply superimpose a reporter, a "victim", a "terrorist", or whomever/whatever they choose to add or manipulate a scene with; to get the results they need.
Hey, it worked in the movie "Wag The Dog".
Even CNN & Anderson Cooper were caught using a "green screen" during an alleged "on the scene" report about a "grieving" Sandy Hook mother (another False Flag event used to disarm/control the populace & further rob people of their natural & inalienable rights).
Hey, it worked in the movie "Wag The Dog".
Even CNN & Anderson Cooper were caught using a "green screen" during an alleged "on the scene" report about a "grieving" Sandy Hook mother (another False Flag event used to disarm/control the populace & further rob people of their natural & inalienable rights).
Oh, the humanity!
Here is where most boob-tube watching sheeple lose interest in the FACTS: They will often say something like... "Wait, are you seriously saying this was all some giant "conspiracy theory" perpetuated by Aliens from Planet 'X'?" Well, not quite, but...
Oh, the humanity!
Did you know there are AMPUTEE crisis actors?
Does this look real to you? It's NOT, it's an amputee actor!
Here are some of the fake blood-supply tubes & rectangular blood packs concealed beneath clothing & elsewhere:
Okay, this is what really sparked my interest in this ridiculous
"fakery". I discovered this a few weeks ago while flipping through all
of the post-bombing pictures. I noticed what appeared to be some type of
white "tube" protruding from the leg of an alleged bombing "victim".
Then I noticed another one on a second "victim". Then another, and
another,... Then I noticed the tubes were usually running under the
persons clothing or in purses, packs, etc. One "victim" (a chubby white female
in black tights), had a white tube sticking out of BOTH or her "mangled"
lower leg wounds. At first glance, it appears to be an artery, ligament,
etc. but at closer inspection it became obvious that these "tubes" were
fake blood supply tubes draining fake blood from carefully concealed
blood packs. The packs of fake blood were either taped to the persons
legs, arms, or inside of purses, fanny packs, backpacks, etc. Most of the blood-packs/tubes were quickly removed or cut out of the clothing, after their "blood" left its gory & impressionable trail for MSM consumers.
1) Original pic with highlighted "trauma". It looks more like she needs an aspirin for her apparent headache, not the loss of limbs.
2) Close-up of fake blood supply tubes in what appear to be synthetic flesh "wounds" with blood packs.
1) We've got a BLEEDER! ]:-)> |
2) Notice the dripping blood-supply under her black tights?1) Let's not forget the ethnically diverse superstar line-up.2) Lots of "arteries" (fake blood tubes), but virtually noBLOOD loss? |
Medical Expert Disputes The "Facts"
Dr. Stan Monteith, a 35-year orthopedic surgeon, opining on Jeff Bauman’s leg amputations: “I believe that this young man was an actor”.Look Ma, no legs! Aren't you so proud of me!? Go BRUINS!! I'm a HERO, so I deserve the fame and MILLION$ in donations & prizes.
Color-Coded Coordination Teams -
Military, Private Security, or Actors?:
Orange Team markers on pack? Medical? Fake Blood? |
All color-coded ADIDAS jackets shoes, hats, etc. Most people here, including ones in yellow "safety vests" are CRISIS ACTORS. |
Look at how many "coordinators" JUMP into action when a non-team member (or late arriver) tries to enter the staging area for "victims". STOP, go back, nothing to see here.
'Links to other investigations and reports:
- There is soooo much more evidence out there. I barely scratched the surface with this quick post. Research it yourself & wake-up to what is being sold to you through CORPORATE media & mass-marketing! False Flags have been used by Tyrants since the dawn of "civilization". They are used to deceive the masses into submission via FEAR & TERROR, the very things they will then promise to "protect" you from. Remember, BOTH sides of all WARS and "conflicts" need an endless supply of weapons, fuel, power, water, food, shelter, etc. Banksters, CORPORATIONS, Military's, "Private Security" enforcers, & peon politicians are all part of this global war RACKET, a giant "Pyramid Scheme" to rob the world of all its "resources". The "elite" keep replaying the same old "slight of hand" card game, and every civilization in history has been it's victim. It's TIME to end this battle for humanity, once and for ALL. Free your mind & wake up!
This mass-casualty simulation was proudly sponsored by:
The preferred active-wear for Terrorists worldwide. |
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